Fill out this form to suggest a pattern to The Plucky Stitch
To suggest a pattern, the suggestion must:
Not be under any restrictive copyright.
Be interesting/generic enough for other people to buy (i.e. probably not your specific family, niece or nephew, or cat/dog unless they are fairly close to a representative of their breed.)
By submitting a pattern suggestion, you are giving The Plucky Stitch permission to use your pattern idea to create a pattern for sale on this website.
An example of an acceptable suggestion:
A twin sized quilt of a German Shephard with its tongue sticking out.
A beach scene with a palm tree in the sunset.
A woman with a trendy handbag walking down the streets of NYC, a la Sex and The City.
The Mona Lisa.
An example of an unacceptable suggestion:
Mickey Mouse. (copyright)
Taylor Swift singing on stage. (copyright)
A scene from Game of Thrones. (copyright)
This family photo of my family. (too specific)